It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the sixth annual Mutual Inspirations Festival, organizedby the Embassy of the Czech Republic and its many partners and generously backed by our valuedsupporters. This year, we are celebrating the Czech writer, political thinker, and playwright Karel Čapek. He is known today as an author of science fiction which became a genre recognized after his time.
Karel Čapek is foremost well known for introducing the word “robot” to the languages of the world in his1920 science fiction play R.U.R., which stands for Rossum’s Universal Robots. Immensely diverse in his writings and a true visionary, Karel Čapek ardently condemned fascism and warned against the forces of evil long before others did. Politically active in the interwar era, Čapek held a debating club, whose regular attendants included the President of his time, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, a close friend of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson.
In the spirit of the US-Czech friendship and mutual cultural inspiration, we invite you to join us at the many events planned for the Mutual Inspirations Festival 2015 – Karel Čapek.